Every year, New Years Eve is terrible. Absolutely awful. I know this is a phenomenon experienced by most people, but I have it particularly bad since New Years day is my birthday. Every year New Years Eve is supposed to be this monumental occasion when both my birthday and the turning of the year coincide, the world is supposed to make sense and I am supposed to have the night of my life. What happens is I have some shitty sushi, throw a hissy when I can't get into the bar I want, and then get ridiculously drunk and fall asleep, again missing the singing of "Auld Lang Syne". So this year I am taking a different attack - I am going to reschedule. It makes sense - why spend $150 on a night in a bar when in two weeks you can do the same thing for $50? And plus, I will be upset on the 1st when everyone I know is too hungover to wish me a Happy Birthday. So I am working both on the 31st and the 2nd, and I plan on raising hell sometime around the 14th (when everyone has recovered).
But if you are feeling that your New Years Eve bites, read this for some perspective:
Guardian's worst New Year's Eve